Presenter Agency Stuttgart
Looking for Presenters from Stuttgart?

Moderators Agency Stuttgart

Do you want your next company event in Stuttgart to be professionally accompanied? Whether it's a live performance, radio appearance or stage performance - our moderator agency in Stuttgart has the right moderator for every occasion. We will find the right presenter for you. With us you can be sure to find the best event staff.

Booking request

The right moderator for every occasion

There are many different types of events. Be it a celebration, a trade fair, a stand at a festival or other events. For each of these events, you need an individual moderator who can raise the event to a new level through charm, humour, sensitivity and professional competence.


Our presenters shine with charm and humour and captivate guests with their eloquence and professional competence. When you book an event moderator, you give your event a special setting and are entertained in the best possible way. It doesn't matter what kind of event you need a presenter for, because we have presenters for any event who can inspire any audience - regardless of age. What's more, our presenters are experts in numerous fields such as technology, business, science and even beauty and lifestyle. Booking a moderator from our moderator agency is therefore the optimal choice.

By the way, we not only offer moderators in Stuttgart, but also in other German cities such as Heilbronn, Ulm or Karlsruhe.


Booking request

Our agency is always looking for new faces to bring a breath of fresh air to our roster. We are specifically looking for confident people with a talent for speaking in front of people. If you want to prove your expertise and like to entertain at the same time, the job as a presenter at our agency is just right for you! What's more, our agency has offices all over Germany and can give your career as a presenter a real boost. So apply today and benefit from our service!

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